Attendance Tracking
Check-in & Session Tracking Services
Automatic Session Tracking powered by IntelliTrak® with Dwell Time
Monitoring, Real-Time Reporting & CEU/Certificate Tools
Long-Range RFID, Self-Scan Stations, Tap-and-Go RFID, Handheld Scanners & Mobile Event Guide... Positive Proximity's IntelliTrak® provides the power of Predictive Analytics and Active Attendee Dwell Time monitoring all in one robust system.

Real-Time Reporting, Data Exports & Detailed Analytics
Each of our session tracking options actively collects attendee check-in and location data, providing detailed session and dwell time analytics.

IntelliTrak®: Active Check-in & Location Monitoring Technology
Each Attendee's location data is actively processed and analyzed by our core reporting systems to provide accurate, real-time, attendance and dwell time data. Live room occupancy views, room capacity threshold monitoring, and detailed event attendee paths are just some of the amazing reporting that has been made possible through this technology.

Active Room Occupancy Monitoring
The Positive Proximity platform actively monitors room occupancy and automatically sends threshold notifications/warnings (by Text/SMS and Email). The platform also monitors each of your session tracking devices, keeping you informed during the event.

Contact Tracing Tools
Positive Proximity's IntelliTrak® makes detailed Contact Tracing reports possible. If needed, these on-demand reports can provide an individual's location and dwell time during the event as well as potential exposure to other attendees. Download our sample Contact Tracing Report HERE.

Automatic CEU Calculations & Certificate Delivery
The Positive Proximity Suite includes certificate creation tools and can automatically generate and deliver (by email) any number of attendee certificates.

Long Range RFID Session Tracking
High volume events may require long range RFID badge systems to automatically track your attendee locations. Positive Proximity can provide the hardware & on-site setup to make sure your attendees are tracked successfully.

Software-Based Check-in (Stargate)
Easy to deploy and cost effective, Positive Proximity's Stargate Software is an excellent attendee check-in tool. This option is perfect for events small and large, starting as low as $1.99/attendee.

Other Attendance Tracking Options
We provide a number of other attendance tracking options to meet the size and budget for any event. Some of our other tracking tools include Mobile Event App/Portals, Wireless Handheld Scanners and RFID Touch-and-Go badges. Ask your sales representative for details.
Feature Summary
- Long-Range RFID Tracking
- Software/Scanner Check-in Options
- Handheld Scanners
- Active Attendee Dwell Time Monitoring
- Detailed Reporting & Analytics
- Data Exports
- Automatic Room Monitoring
- Mobile Event App/Portal